Ροή Ειδήσεων

“ΤΟΝ ΑΓΑΠΩ ΚΑΙ ΑΣ ΜΟΥ ΚΑΝΕΙ ΚΑΚΟ ΑΥΤΗ Η ΣΧΕΣΗ” – Συγχωροχάρτι Βαρθολομαίου στο τεκνό του Φαναρίου. Bartholomew Takes Back the “Thief” Archimandrite Agathangelos Siskos!!

By Nick Stamatakis

At the end of April, we reported on the arrest of Archimandrite Agathangelos Siskos by the Turkish authorities for a high-value theft of a watch from an antique store – valued at about $40,000.  Batholomew intervened like lightning to the Turks, and the archimandrite was released immediately! Such was the personal “interest” Bartholomew had for the case…  Immediately after the Patriarch announced that A. Siskos would be put on a leave of absence indefinitely: “After an exchange of views and taking into account the defamation of the institution of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, it was decided to put an end to the ministry of the senior cleric in Phanar.” (you can link here for our full report).

But a few days ago, Alkis Morelas, of the Greek-Australian website greekflash.com, reported that Agathaggelos Siskos was still very much part of the Patriarchate: He was seen and photographed as he was playing the tour guide for high-class visitors to the Halki Theological School!!  Alkis Morelas, who has been reporting on the many trespasses of AB Makarios and has (successfully so far) defended himself in  Court against the heretic Archbishop of Australia, explains that according to his sources, the “thief” Siskos shares the same room with the Patriarch in the Phanar and is considered to be his boyfriend!!

Helleniscope is, of course, ahead of the game, and we have reported of the “Great Ottoman Tradition” of the “Dancing Boys”, a tradition evolving in it’s practice by the gay brotherhood of the Phanar (link here).  But this latest report by Morelas sheds new light to what we already knew…

What is even more interesting about this episode was that AB Elpidophoros had then, at the end of April, expressed his outrage about the episode and had said that such episodes damage the reputation of the Patriarchate internationally and make his job – and everyone else’s – very difficult.  Did AB Elpidophoros truly mean that? If he did, why then did he promote Bishop Apostolos, known to be a moving scandal and a disaster waiting to happen? (Please link here for the unofficial bio of Apostolos).

My friends, we are sliding to the bottom, but we are not there yet… With these filthy “hierarchs” who pretend to “lead” Orthodoxy while they lead sinful lives filled with luxuries, lust and sin, we can expect even worse than this…

July 13, 2023, n.stamatakis@aol.com   www.helleniscope.com

Στό δρόμο που χάραξε ο Βαρθολομαίος: Εν όψει Ραμαζανίου ο Πανοσιολ. Αρχιμ. κ. Αγαθάγγελος Σίσκος, πρώην Αρχειοφύλακας των Πατριαρχείων και Ιερατικώς Προϊστάμενος της Κοινότητας Νεοχωρίου, όταν επισκέφθηκε τον Σοφολ. κ. Bahri Gölükcü, Ιμάμη του Κεντρικού Τεμένους του Νεοχωρίου, για τις καθιερωμένες ευχές...

Γελάνε και τα μουστάκια του Λάκη που τα ξέρει όλα...